Smartphone with Windows Phone 7 sold more than 1.5 million

Microsoft has released the first official information about statistics, sales of smartphones running Windows Phone 7. As expected, the figures are not too great, but "encouraging". It is described the results of the vice president Ekim Berg (Achim Berg). On sale in Europe and Southeast Asia vehicles arrived on October 21 and in the U.S. and Canada later - on November 8. Total managed for the past 2 months to realize more than 1.5 million vehicles. On average, this amounts to about 25 000 smartphone on the day, which indirectly confirms the claimed 40,000 vehicles in the first day of sales.

In general, Microsoft's optimistic and believe that the result should be evaluated positively. The popularity of smartphones has provided a radically new (for Microsoft) advertising campaign and intense increase in the number of applications for this operating system. Currently, the store applications have more than 4000 items, and only corporation cooperates with 18,000 developers. Noting the existence of significant competition in the market of high-tech smartphones Ekim Berg pointed out that in order to attract customers, the emphasis shifted not only to provide applications to users, but also on account of their recommendations. This, according to a management corporation, must distinguish their product from competitors.

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