Sensory Madness: full-size laptop with two tačskrinami from Acer

We all remember what turned out to be a fool's errand Microsoft start developing plan?etnik with two touch screens.In addition, many of us are familiar with libretto is W100-this laptop from Toshiba on-site physical keypad also was Roto.

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In fact, already under the first photo W100 many left with the impression that the device was attempting to Japanese to mind what took redmondcy. And, again, it's no secret that much furore novelty never made.

Probably, obsession, which is a laptop this, just couldn't go elsewhere. This time the torch took the company Acer and, not without enthusiasm.Instead of a miniature "courier" and "libretto" semidûjmovogo prominently present 15-inch giant.

You don't know what it is that you can explain such a scale, but the device appears to be somewhat controversial. Or is it just seems to me that one of the main advantages of Courier and libretto is was, precisely, compact size?

Another important trifle, which simply could not fail to mention is the touch-sensitive trackpad – it will simulate accompany on-screen keyboard. Apparently, the device will support mul?tita? displays as well as tools for working with graphics.Other details include the potential for Windows 7 and core i5 2.66 GHz. It is expected that new PC will be available until next year, if not impossible to do so.

So far all the information about the new product can be classified as a rumor, but it does not prevent the emergence of interest, but rather the contrary.Will there Acer missteps, and Microsoft together with Toshiba or tajvanskoj company will be what failed competitors?Obviously, we have yet to find out.

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