Multimedia Notebook Acer Aspire 5745P with touchscreen was released in Europe
In Europe, went on sale laptop Acer Aspire 5745P. It is equipped with 15.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, while the touch screen and supports management of multi-touch. Notebook Acer Aspire 5745P has a rather advanced features, high performance and is designed to perform tasks related to multimedia. Thus, it is built on 32 nm processor Intel Core i5-450M and is equipped with discrete graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M with 1 GB of video memory.
Among other characteristics of the Acer Aspire 5745P - 4 GB of RAM, hard drive capacity 500 GB, Optical drive Blu-ray, Gigabit Ethernet and Wi-Fi Adapter Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n. For video, you can use built-in 1.3 megapixel web camera, card reader notebook supports 5 different types of memory cards, and thanks to the HDMI can transmit high-definition video from a laptop to an external monitor or TV. Also Acer Aspire 5745P has a 6-cell battery. The cost of new items is 999 euros.
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